加拿大阿尔伯塔大学徐云洁和Wolfgang Jäger教授做客维多利亚vic309官网南强讲座

发布日期:2019-11-15     浏览次数:次   

1112日下午,维多利亚vic309官网南强学术讲座第1000讲和1001讲在卢嘉锡楼202会议室举行。国际著名化学家、阿尔伯塔大学化学系教授、加拿大皇家学会徐云洁院士和Wolfgang Jäger院士应邀访问维多利亚vic309官网,分别为我校师生带来题《Chirality Recognition, Transfer, and Amplification in Molecular Clusters and with Quantum Plasmons》和《Infrared and Microwave Spectroscopy of Molecules Embedded in Helium Nanodroplets》的精彩报告。学院副院长任斌教授主持了本场南强讲座,学院谢兆雄院长和任斌副院长向徐教授和Jäger教授颁发了南强讲座纪念牌并合影留念。

报告中,徐云洁教授以手性分子为核心,介绍了其课题组在分子水平上对手性分子表征方法以及行为机理方面的研究工作。其课题组利用chirped-pulse Fourier transform microwave (CP-FTMW)光谱考察了手性酸和醇在超声喷射情况下的构型转换和手性构建。利用圆二色谱和拉曼光学活性,他们探究了手性分子与分子间以及分子与原子之间的相互作用,也探究了非手性分子在水中和其它质子化溶剂中的特征。在他们最新的研究成果中,他们还提出了一种新的量子等离激元手性转移和放大机理。这一机理解释了在非共振条件下强烈诱导溶剂的ROA特征。在另外一场报告中,Wolfgang JägerHelium nanodroplet spectroscopy为核心,首先介绍了其仪器和工作原理,并针对超低温体系下关于不对称顶部分子与氦原子逐步溶剂化研究的一些最新结果。 这些结果展现了微观超流动性的指标出现在小于20个氦原子的团簇尺寸上。


   Yunjie Xu is a full professor and Tier I (Senior) Canada Research Chair in Chirality and Chirality Recognition in the Chemistry Department at the University of Alberta. Her research focuses characterizing chirality and chiral recognition/transfer/amplification/ at the molecular level. Her group not only applies vibrational circular dichroism, Raman optical activity, and rotational spectroscopy but also develops new IR-mass spectrometry techniques to study chirality related processes in the gas phase, in solution, and at the liquid-liquid interfaces. She has published 150 refereed articles in leading scientific journals including Science, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., J. Am. Chem. Soc., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. and Phys. Rev. Lett.

   She has received many awards and honors including 2014 International Dr. Barbara Mez-Starck Prize for outstanding contributions in the field of experimental structural chemistry and molecular physics, 2015 International Mercator Fellowship from University of Freiburg, Germany, 2016 Clara Benson Award from Canadian Society for Chemistry, and 2019 Gerhard Herzberg Award from Canadian Society for Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy. She was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society of Canada, Academy of Science in 2018.

Wolfgang Jäger教授简介:

   Wolfgang Jäger received his PhD degree in Chemistry from the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel, Germany, in 1989. He joined the Department of Chemistry at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, in 1995 after spending time as postdoctoral fellow and research associate at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2001 and to the rank of Full Professor in 2003.

   Professor Jäger’s research is multifaceted and includes fundamental studies of intermolecular interactions using spectroscopic investigations of weakly bound complexes and clusters, development of atmospheric trace gas sensing techniques that utilize solid state infrared diode lasers, photoreaction chamber studies of aerosol formation, and design and fabrication of external cavity lasers using MEMS technology. His work has resulted in more than 180 publications thus far.

For his scientific achievements, Professor Jäger was awarded the NSERC Steacie Memorial Fellowship in 2002, in 2004 he became a Tier I Canada Research Chair in Cluster Science which was renewed in 2011, and in 2008 he was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. From 2009 to 2010, he spent a sabbatical year at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society in Berlin, Germany, which was funded by a prestigious Humboldt Fellowship.

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