【学术讲座】任航:Learning from the Heterogeneity at the Electrochemical Interfaces: A Nanoeletrochemitry Approach

发布日期:2023-05-16     浏览次数:次   




报告题目Learning from the Heterogeneity at the Electrochemical Interfaces: A Nanoeletrochemitry Approach

报告时间2023-05-18  10:00-12:00

报告人: 任航  助理教授

University of Texas at Austin






Tuning the reactivity of electrochemical interfaces is vital in electrifying energy conversion and storage, as well as chemical synthesis. However, the interfacial structures are complex and dynamic. The structural heterogeneity makes it challenging to elucidate the structure-activity relationship in electrochemical reactions. In this talk, I will discuss method development to map the heterogeneity of the interface, including scanning electrochemical cell microscopy (SECCM). The methods allow for revealing the fundamental electrochemical processes from electrocatalysis to corrosion. In the first example, the heterogeneity of the electrocatalytic activity at the single-electrocatalyst level will be revealed, which provides new information about the structure-activity relationship in oxygen evolution reaction (OER) on hematite nanorods. In the second example, scanning electrochemical probe microscopic methods to probe the distribution of local potential of zero charge ((PZC) at the electrochemical interfaces will be discussed, which is a fundamental quantity in the electrical double layer. The methods allow for revealing the correlation between the electrical double layer property and the electrocatalytic activity at the sub-micron scale. Lastly, efforts to reveal the initiation of corrosion, including passive film breakdown and active metal dissolution, will be discussed.  



  Dr. Ren received B.S. in Chemistry (Yat-Sen Class) from Sun Yat-Sen University in 2011 under the supervision of Prof. Cheng-Yong Su. In 2016, he obtained his Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Michigan under Mark E. Meyerhoff. His Ph.D. work is focused on the electrochemical delivery of nitric oxide (NO) for biomedical applications. From 2016 to 2018, he was a postdoc associate at the University of Utah with Henry S. White. His postdoc work is on nanoelectrochemistry, including single-molecule analysis using protein ion channels and nucleation of nanobubbles.

  Hang Ren is currently an assistant professor at the University of Texas at Austin (2021-). His current research interests include fundamental electrochemistry, nanoelectrochemistry, and scanning electrochemical probe method development in revealing the heterogeneity and dynamics of complex electrochemical interfaces to understand the fundamental processes in corrosion, and electrochemical energy storage and conversion. He has received numerous awards in his independent career, including American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund (ACS-PRF) New Doctoral Award (2020), DARPA Young Investigator Award (2020), NIH Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (MIRA) (2022), DARPA Director’s Award (2022), NSF CAREER Award (2023), RCSA Scialog Fellow (2023), and Sloan Research Fellowship (2023).





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