【卢嘉锡讲座】Philip A. Gale教授:Anion binding, selectivity and transport.

发布日期:2023-08-22     浏览次数:次   


报告题目:Anion binding, selectivity and transport.

报告时间:2023-08-25 10:00

报告人: Philip A. Gale教授





The development of synthetic anionophores continues to be the focus of a number of groups worldwide due to the potential application of these compounds in the treatment of diseases caused by faulty anion transport (e.g., cystic fibrosis)1 and in disrupting anion concentration gradients and pH gradients leading to apoptosis and disruption of autophagy.2This presentation will give an overview of work in the Gale group over the last few years and in particular focus on the development of new assays to measure membrane transport and the development of selective transporters.3PAG pays respect to the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation, the traditional owners of the land on which we teach, research, and collaborate at the University of Technology Sydney. This work was supported by the Australian Research Council (DP180100612, DP200100453, DP210100039) and the University of Sydney.


Phil Gale is the Deputy Dean of Science at UTS.  Phil is a graduate of the University of Oxford (MA DPhil 1995 DSc 2014) and after two years as a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Texas at Austin (1995-1997) took up a Royal Society University Research Fellowship at the University of Oxford and then subsequently at the University of Southampton where he was Head of Chemistry (2010-2016).  He moved to Sydney in 2017 where he served as Head of School (Chemistry) (2017-2022), Associate Dean (International) in Science from 2020 and interim Dean of Science 2022-23. Phil is a supramolecular chemist who works on the molecular recognition, sensing and transport of anionic species. In recent years, his work has focused on the transmembrane transport of anions across lipid bilayer membranes. Phil has published over 300 primary research papers, review articles, book chapters and books and is a Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher in Chemistry (2014-2019) (h-index = 88).  He has received several awards for his work including the 2018 Izatt-Christensen Award in Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry, the 2014 RSC Supramolecular Chemistry Award, a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award (2013) the RSC Corday Morgan Medal and Prize (2005) and the Bob Hay Lectureship (2004). Phil is the editor-in-chief of Coordination Chemistry Reviews and a member of the editorial or advisory boards of Chem, Chemical Science, Chem. Soc. Rev., and Trends in Chemistry.



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