【卢嘉锡讲座】Huimin Zhao:Expanding the Boundary of Biocatalysis

发布日期:2024-06-11     浏览次数:次   


报告题目:Expanding the Boundary of Biocatalysis

报告时间:2024-06-19 09:00

报告人: Prof. Huimin Zhao

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign




Biocatalysis has been increasingly used for practical synthesis of chemicals, fuels, and materials thanks to recent advances in enzyme engineering, synthetic biology, artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML), and laboratory automation. In this talk, I will discuss our recent effort in designing novel synthetic routes and repurposed enzymes for synthesis of fine chemicals by exploring the synergy between enzymatic catalysis and non-enzymatic catalysis. Particularly, I will highlight our new strategies of combining photocatalysis with biocatalysis for abiological transformations, which offer many advantages such as new reactivity, high enantioselectivity, greener syntheses, and high yields. In addition, I will highlight the development of machine learning and laboratory automation tools for enzyme discovery and engineering. Finally, I will introduce our new AI/ML tools for synthesis planning that integrates chemical catalysis and biocatalysis. All these strategies and tools should greatly accelerate the development of biocatalysts for applications related to human health, energy, and sustainability.


    Dr. Huimin Zhao,现任美国伊利诺伊大学厄本那-香槟分校(UIUC)化学与生物分子工程系Steven L. Miller讲座教授,美国NSF人工智能分子合成研究所主任,美国化学会ACS Synthetic Biology期刊主编。赵教授于1992年取得中国科学技术大学生物学学士学位;1998年在诺贝尔化学奖获得者Frances Arnold教授的指导下,获得加州理工学院化学博士学位。此后,在美国陶氏化学公司担任工业生物技术实验室项目负责人;2000年加入UIUC独立开展研究,2008年晋升为正教授。赵教授作为蛋白质工程与合成生物学领域的先驱之一,主要研究兴趣是开发和应用合成生物学、机器学习和实验室自动化工具,解决健康、能源和可持续发展等领域的重大挑战。赵教授在Nature、Science、Nature Chemistry、Nature Biotechnology、Nature Catalysis、Chemical Reviews等国际期刊发表论文440余篇,申请专利30余项,受邀495次大会报告、主题演讲和特邀演讲。赵教授培养的学生和博士后中,有37位成为了国内外知名院所的教授或首席研究员,为我国的生物催化与合成生物学领域培养了一大批优秀的青年人才。赵教授曾获AAAS Fellow、AIMBE Fellow、AIChE Daniel I.C. Wang奖、AIChE FP&B分会奖、ECI酶工程奖、ACS Marvin Johnson奖和SIMB Charles Thom奖等诸多荣誉。




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