【名师讲座】段维:Advancing beyond the four-decade-old gold standard methodology in extracellular vesicle research through the transformative power of aptamer technology

发布日期:2024-10-30     浏览次数:次   


报告题目:Advancing beyond the four-decade-old gold standard methodology in extracellular vesicle research through the transformative power of aptamer technology

报告时间:2024-11-05 10:00

报告人: 段维 教授

澳大利亚迪肯大学(Deakin University)




Aptamers, also known as chemical antibodies, are short single-stranded DNA or RNA that fold into complex three-dimensional structures and bind to target molecules with high affinity and specificity.  Being 15 to 20 times smaller than monoclonal antibodies, aptamers have several advantages that offer the possibility of overcoming limitations of antibodies, such as low immunogenicity and toxicity; smaller size enabling rapid diffusion, flexibility in modulating their ability to bind ligands, ease of synthesis with minimal batch-to-batch variations, as well as efficient tissue penetration and reduced steric hindrance.

We are interested in developing aptamer-based EV technologies. One of our goals in aptamer-EV R&D is to generate EV liquid biopsy platforms that can be directly applied to the biochemical analysers or immunological analysers in the pathology labs without the involvement of any additional specialised equipment.  Moreover, we wish to modernize the gold standard EV isolation methodology, namely ultracentrifugation which was developed ~40 years ago.

In this presentation, the implimentation of aptamers in EV liquid biopsy will be illustrated using the example of aptamer-based fluorescence polarization.  Compared to the widely used fluorescence intensity-based methods, the fluorescence polarization has the advantages of being a homogenous assay, no need for a washing step to separate bound from the unbound affinity ligand and thus less susceptible to the interference from quenching, photo-bleaching, pH or polarity in the assay environment. 

       The unique features of aptamer that enable us to develop novel strategies for affinity isolation and elution of intact EVs under physiological conditions will be presented.  For the first time, we're revolutionizing EV isolation by employing a distinct biochemical strategy made possible by aptamers.  Our new strategy creates promising opportunities for characterizing, labelling and tracking EVs both in vitro and in vivo, as well as for their pharmaceutical manufacturing   By integrating other state-of-the-art platforms, such as NanoFCM, our aptamer-based EV affinity chromatography will accelerate the advancement of EV research and its clinical translation.


   段维教授于1982年在上海中医药大学获得医学学士学位,1991年在澳大利亚墨尔本大学医学院获得生物化学与分子生物学博士学位。曾在澳大利亚墨尔本大学医学院和墨尔本皇家医院临床神经科学中心担任研究员。1998年在新加坡国立大学医学院生物化学系任职助理教授。 2006回到澳大利亚后,迪肯大学(Deakin University) 医学院任副教授,并于 2011年晋升为教授。 从2018年起,被聘为澳大利亚迪肯大学杰出讲习教授。段教授曾任新加坡生物化学与分子生物学学会副主席、澳大利亚迪肯医学院研究生院院长,以及《Drug Design, Development and Therapy》杂志的主编。 

   段教授的研究广泛,涵盖磷酸化激酶,癌症细胞生物学、纳米医学和靶向药物递送等。 近年来,他专注于核酸配适体技术在转化医学中的应用,尤其是在癌症诊断领域里的应用以及在细胞外囊泡邻域中的技术创新。段教授在Cancer Research、Advanced Materials、PNAS、J Extracell Vesicles等期刊发表200多篇SCI论文,H指数为64。他在核酸配适体邻域中获得了9项国际专利, 有的已经授权给美国公司。2017年,段教授被评为Clarivate Analytics高被引研究者, 成为在药理学/毒理学邻域中全世界前1%的研究者。




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