报告题目:Molecular insight into electrochemical interfaces with
nearfield and nonlinear Raman spectroscopies
报告人: Prof. Katrin Domke
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany
时间: 5月14日(周一)上午10:00-12:00
地点: 卢嘉锡楼202报告厅
Gathering molecular-level information about electrochemical interfaces is highly desirable to advance or understanding of - and to ultimately design and control - efficient electrochemical processes that underly a manifold of ‘green’ energy conversion applications, such as fuel cell or sensitised solar cell operation, electrosynthesis and electrocatalysis or physiological electron transfer. Despite the vast interest in solid/liquid surface chemistry, however, advanced in operando experimental (and theoretical) tools that provide quasi-atomistic insight into chemical processes at (electrified) solid/liquid interfaces with nanoscale spatial and real-time chemical resolution are still scarce.
In my talk, I will highlight our recent methodological advances with nearfield and nonlinear Raman spectroscopies that allow us to gain precious molecular-level information about, for example, adsorption geometry, chemical interaction and conversion with extreme spatial and temporal resolution. Specifically, I will elucidate how our spectroscopic approaches provide important mechanistic understanding on water transport in fuel cell membrane nanopores and on potential-dependent adsorption geometry and chemical conversion at metal-organic interfaces. As a result, we can suggest novel fabrication strategies for improved fuel-cell membranes and alternative design routes for metal-organic frameworks.
Prof. Katrin Domke
After her interest in surface science had been sparked during a research stay in Alicante, Spain, with Prof. Feliu, Katrin F. Domke completed her chemistry studies at the University of Bonn with a diploma thesis in electrochemistry in 2004. She moved to the Fritz Haber Institute in Berlin to carry out a PhD project on tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) in the group of Dr. Pettinger and Prof. Ertl. Her thesis, which she finished in 2006, deals with the investigation of the near-field distance dependence in the tip-sample gap, the application of TERS to (bio)molecular monolayers like DNA bases, the demonstration of single-molecule TERS and the development of a third generation TERS set-up for work in UHV or condensed phases. From 2008 till 2011, she was a member of the Biosurface Spectroscopy group of Prof. Bonn at FOM Institute AMOLF in Amsterdam where she investigated catalytic reactions on zeolites with nonlinear Raman spectroscopy (CARS). Since November 2012, Katrin is heading an independent research group at the MPIP, funded through the Emmy Noether Programme of the DFG and the “Plus 3” Programme of the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation. The Domke group studies molecular-level physico-chemical interactions at solid/liquid interfaces in sensitized solar cells, fuel cell membranes and metal-organic frameworks with nearfield and nonlinear Raman microscopy. She has published 35 peer-reviewed papers.