学 术 讲 座
题 目: Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy of molecular aggregates: When theory meets experiments
讲座人: 郑原忠 副教授
时 间: 10月16日(周一)上午10:00-11:30
地 点: 卢嘉锡楼202报告厅
郑原忠,博士,1995 年台湾大学获化学系学士, 1997 年获硕士学位; 2006 年美国麻省理工学院取得化学博士学位; 2006-2009 年在美国加州大学伯克利分校化学系进行博士后研究; 2009-2015 年任台湾大学化学系助理教授; 2015 年迄今台湾大学化学系副教授。
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报告摘要:Time-resolved ultrafast spectroscopies are main techniques for experimental investigations of molecular interactions and dynamics in the condensed phase. For example, recent optical nonlinear experiments have provided critical information on light-harvesting in photosynthesis and ultrafast photo-chemistry in vision. Because of the complexity of these experiments, theoretical modeling and computer simulations are required to develop molecular-level descriptions of the underlying processes. We aim to develop new theoretical methods that enable the calculation of nonlinear spectra of molecular systems directly based on light-driven dynamics described by a quantum master equation formalism. Multidimensional electronic spectra for non-adiabatic systems evaluated in this way will be valuable for guiding and interpreting future experiments.