【南强学术讲座】Graphene devices - from macroscopic to atomic scales and recent developments in the probing of material properties using advanced atomic force microscopy

发布日期:2017-09-15     浏览次数:次   

题 目: Graphene devices - from macroscopic to atomic scales and recent developments in the probing of material properties using advanced atomic force microscopy

讲座人: Dr. Colm Durkan

时 间: 2017年9月15日(周五) 10:00

地 点: 主楼220会议室


Founder and head of the Scanning Probe Microscopy and Nanoelectronics group at the Nanoscience centre of the University of Cambridge;
Reader in Nanoscale Engineering;
Fellow of Girton College, Cambridge;
Editorial board members of Microscopy and Imaging and Scientific Reports

Colm’s research is focused on understanding the fundamentals of the link between form (size & shape) and function in Nanomaterials, with an emphasis on advanced modes of microscopy and surface analysis, as applied to both highly-applied everyday problems as well as working on the underpinning science.

CV: https://durkanlab.org/colm-durkan  


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