【学术报告】生物质催化炼制中碳-碳键偶联的反应机理及催化剂构效关系(Mechanism of C-C Bond Formation and Site Requirements in the Catalytic Upgrading of Oxygenates)

发布日期:2016-11-16     浏览次数:次   

          of C-C Bond Formation and Site Requirements in the Catalytic
          Upgrading of Oxygenates)
报告人:  Dr. Shuai Wang(王帅)
          University of California at Berkeley, USA
时间:    11月16日(周三)下午3:00
地点:    卢嘉锡楼202报告厅


    The efficient C-C bond formation and removal of O-atoms are essential for the conversion of renewable biomass-derived oxygenates into useful fuels and chemicals. In this presentation, three examples of such reactions will be illustrated, including aldol condensation of carbonyl compounds and ketonization of carboxylic acids on metal oxides (e.g. TiO2 and ZrO2) [1-4] and alkanal-alkene Prins condensation on mesoporous and microporous solid aids [5]. The number and type of active sites and the nature and kinetic relevance of the elementary steps that mediate these reactions are rigorously assessed using kinetic, isotopic, spectroscopic, and theoretical methods. This presentation will provide fundamental insights into the “enolate chemistry” that governs aldol condensation and ketonization reactions on Lewis acid-base pairs of metal oxides and the strong effects of acid strength and of confinement within aluminosilicate voids of molecular dimensions on Prins condensation rates and selectivities.

[1] Wang, S.; Goulas, K.; Iglesia. E. J. Catal. 2016, 340, 302−320.
[2] Wang, S.; Iglesia. E. J. Phys. Chem. C 2016, 120, 21589−21616.
[3] Pham, T. N.; Sooknoi, T.; Crossley, S. P.; Resasco, D. E. ACS Catal. 2013, 3, 2456–2473.
[4] Sun, J.; Baylon, R. A. L.; Liu, C.; Mei, D.; Martin, K. J.; Venkitasubramanian, P.; Wang, Y. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 507−517.
[5] Wang, S.; Iglesia, E. ACS Catal. 2016, 6, 7664−7684.



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