报告题目:Indenofluorenes and Ring-Expanded Analogues:
From Quinoidal Electron-Accepting Materials to
Stable Organic Biradicals
报告人: Dr. Michael M. Haley
University of Oregon, USA
时间: 10月26日(周三)上午10:00-12:00
地点: 卢嘉锡楼202报告厅
报告摘要:This talk will present our synthetic, structural and materials studies of a new class of electron-accepting molecules based on the indenofluorene (IF) skeleton. The initial preparative route involved transannular cyclization of octadehydrodibenzo[12]annulenes to afford the pentacyclic ring system[1]. Subsequent transformations generated the first stable examples of the fully conjugated, 20 pi-electron, formally anti-aromatic compounds[2]. Optimization of intermediate IF-6, 12-dione synthesis via a simple three-step process now permits access to IF derivatives in multigram quantities[3]. Work on 6, 12-diarylIFs demonstrated that single crystals of the pentafluorophenyl derivative could serve as an active layer in organic field effect transistors (OFETs) that exhibit ambipolar behavior using Au source/drain contacts[4]. Current studies are focused on replacing the benzene groups with thiophene units[5] as well as expanding the quinoidal core[6]. This presentation will focus on development of project as well as include the latest results from our lab.
[1] Rose, Chase, Weber, Zakharov, Lonergan & Haley, Org. Lett. 2011, 13, 2106-2109.
[2] Chase, Rose, McClintock, Zakharov & Haley, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 1127-1130.
[3] Chase, Fix, Rose, Weber, Nobusue, Stockwell, Zakharov, Lonergan & Haley, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 11103-11106.
[4] Chase, Fix, Kang, Rose, Weber, Zhong, Zakharov, Lonergan, Nuckolls & Haley, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 10349-10352.
[5] (a) Young, Chase, Marshall, Vonnegut, Zakharov & Haley, Chem. Sci. 2014, 5, 1008-1014; (b) Marshall, Uchida, Frederickson, Schütt, Zeidell, Goetz, Finn, Jarolimek, Zakharov, Risko, Herges, Jurchescu & Haley, Chem. Sci. 2016, 7, 5547-5558.
[6] (a) Rudebusch, Fix, Henthorn, Vonnegut, Zakharov & Haley, Chem. Sci. 2014, 5, 3627-3633; (b) Rudebusch, Zafra, Jorner, Fukuda, Marshall, Arrechea-Marcos, Espejo, Ponce-Ortiz, Gomez-Garcia, Zakharov, Nakano, Ottosson, Casado & Haley, Nature Chem. 2016, 8, 753-759.

Prof. Michael M. Haley is a Richard M. and Patricia H. Noyes Professor of Chemistry, University of Oregon. He has received a number of honors and awards, including a National Science Foundation CAREER Award(1995-1998), Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award(1998-2003), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowship for Research in Japan(2016), Research Innovation Commercialization Sustainability Award(2016). So far, He has published over 180 scientific articles, and has given more than 200 invited Lectures/seminars.