【卢嘉锡讲座】The Role of Lipid-Water Interfaces on Lipid Oxidation Chemistry

发布日期:2016-03-21     浏览次数:次   
     学院邀请美国马萨诸塞州大学食品科学系主任、工业战略研究会主任Eric A. Decker来维多利亚vic309官网做卢嘉锡讲座。报告主题为“The Role of Lipid-Water Interfaces on Lipid Oxidation Chemistry”,时间为3月21日(周一)10:00-11:30,欢迎各位感兴趣的课题组老师和同学前往听取报告。

题    目: The Role of Lipid-Water Interfaces on Lipid Oxidation Chemistry
讲座人: Prof. Eric A. Decker
              Department Head, Department of Food Science,University of Massachusetts
              Director, Industry Strategic Research Alliance,University of Massachusetts
时    间: 3月21日(周一)10:00-11:30
地    点:卢嘉锡202报告厅



Eric Decker is currently a Professor and the Department Head of UMass Food Science. Dr. Decker has been actively conducting research to characterize mechanisms by which lipids and antioxidants oxidize in foods and the health implications of antioxidants and lipid oxidation products. Dr. Decker has over 350 publications and has been named as one of the Most Highly Cited Scientists in Agriculture. Dr. Decker has served on numerous committees including work with the USA Food and Drug Administration and the Institute of Medicine. His research has been recognized by awards from the Institute of Food Technologists, the American Oil Chemist Society, the Agriculture and Food Chemistry Division of the American Chemical Society and the International Life Science Institute.

Lipid oxidation in many food systems is promoted by transition metals decomposing lipid hydroperoxides into free radicals at lipid-water interfaces. In oil-in-water emulsions, emulsion droplet interfacial properties such as charge and thickness impact lipid-metal interactions. Lipid-water interfaces also exist in bulk oils due to the ability of the minor components of oil to form association colloids. The formation of the water-oil interface in association colloids will increase lipid oxidation rates as well as the prooxidant activity of transition metals. Lipid-water interfaces also impact the activity of antioxidants. When emulsifier conditions favor maximizing antioxidants concentrations at the water-oil interface, antioxidant activity is increased. It will be important to develop a more thorough understanding of how the physical and chemical properties of oil-water interfaces impact the activity of both prooxidants and antioxidants at water-oil interfaces so that new innovative antioxidative technologies can be developed.

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