报告题目:Developments of various artificial devices to
fight against energy crisis, pollution and diseases
报告人: Prof. Dr. Tapan Ganguly
Emeritus Professor
Jadavpur University, India
时间: 3月23日(周三) 上午10:30
地点: 卢嘉锡楼报告厅(202)
In coming years photochemistry along with laser spectroscopy will take central role in resolving the most important recent issue: Energy crisis. Most of the researchers throughout the world are involved in making solar or light energy conversion devices to get clean fuel and clean water. Lately, our research group is developing several novel light energy conversion and nanocomposite as well as bionanoconjugate devices which may serve as organic solar cells and other biocompatible devices including supercapacitors. Our research group also designed electrolyte-free dye sensitized solar cells (DSSC) which possess more thermal stability and other advantages than the electrolyte containing ones. Apart from designing the artificial hybrid light energy converters, several other biosafe devices have been built which possess applications in biomedicines and biotechnology.