Coverage- and Pressure-Dependent Adsorption Structures of Methanol on TiO2(110)

发布日期:2015-12-30     浏览次数:次   

报告题目:Coverage- and Pressure-Dependent Adsorption Structures of  
          Methanol on TiO2(110)
报告人:  任泽峰 副教授
时间:    12月30日(周三) 上午9:00
地点:    卢嘉锡楼报告厅(202)

    Although the photochemistry of methanol on TiO2(110) has been widely investigated as a prototypical model of the photocatalytic reaction of organic molecules, the most fundamental question of the adsorption state of methanol on TiO2(110) is still unclear. We have investigated the adsorption of methanol on TiO2(110) using sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy (SFG-VS) and ultrahigh vacuum technique. We clearly resolved both molecularly and dissociatively adsorbed forms of methanol on five-coordinated Ti sites in the C−H stretching vibration range, which suggests that methanol partially dissociates to methoxy spontaneously on this surface. The results further indicate the dissociation of methanol is highly dependent on the coverage. We have also achieved to obtain the vibrational spectra of methanol on TiO2(110), which shows the adsorption structure of methanol highly depends on the ambient pressure as well. Our results provide a detailed insight into the adsorption structure of methanol on TiO2(110) under from UHV to high pressure conditions, and shed light on the photochemistry on this surface at the molecular level.



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