学术报告题目:Fast and sensitive optical methods in medical diagnosis

发布日期:2015-10-08     浏览次数:次   

报告题目:Fast and sensitive optical methods in medical diagnosis
报告人:  Prof. Ramon Alvarez-Puebla
          Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain
时间:    9月21日(周一) 上午10:00
地点:    卢嘉锡楼报告厅(202)


Plasmonic nanostructures present unique optical properties due to the generation of strong electric fields caused by the excitation of the localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs). One of the main applications of such LSPRs are the so-called surface enhanced spectroscopies, mainly the surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). These spectroscopies have potential for the detection of single molecules under the natural environmental conditions of the analyte and thus, present a broad potential application in different (bio)fields including medicine,1 the development of new diagnostic tools,2, 3 multiplex detection and bioimaging4, 5 and high-throughput screening6 applications for drug discovery.7 Herein we will disuse about some of the last advantages of SERS in Chemical Biology specially those related to the new diagnostic tools development,2 multiplex detection and bioimaging3, 4 and high-throughput screening applications to drug discovery.5

1. R. A. Alvarez-Puebla and L. M. Liz-Marzan, Small, 2010, 6, 604-610.
2. R. A. Alvarez-Puebla, et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of
   the United States of America, 2011, 108, 8157-8161.
3. L. Rodríguez-Lorenzo, R. de la Rica, R. A. Álvarez-Puebla, L. M. Liz-Marzán and
   M. M. Stevens,Nature Materials, 2012, 11, 604-607.
4. L. Rodriguez-Lorenzo, Z. Krpetic, S. Barbosa, R. A. Alvarez-Puebla, L. M. Liz-Marzan,
   I. A. Prior and M. Brust, Integrative Biology, 2011, 3, 922-926.
5. M. Sanles-Sobrido, W. Exner, L. Rodriguez-Lorenzo, B. Rodriguez-Gonzalez,
   M. A. Correa-Duarte,R. A. Alvarez-Puebla and L. M. Liz-Marzan,
   Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131, 2699-2705.
6. H. Fenniri and R. Alvarez-Puebla, Nature Chemical Biology, 2007, 3, 247-249.
7. R. Perez-Pineiro, M. A. Correa-Duarte, V. Salgueirino and R. A. Alvarez-Puebla,
   Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 113-116.

Prof. Alvarez-Puebla is an expert in surface science and spectroscopy with emphasis on the fabrication, characterization and integration of plasmonic nanoparticles and their integration into advanced “all optical” sensing devices especially with application in nanobiomedicine and chemical biology. Currently he is involved in the development of new technologies for pathogen/disease marker detection by using localized surface plasmon resonances, Raman and SERS; in vivo intracellular monitoring and imaging of relevant cytoplasm metabolites under different conditions (health/disease); and, optical technologies for the ultrafast and ultrasensitive recognition of active compounds in combinatorial libraries. He has co-authored more than 137 papers in high impact journals (Nature Chem Biol., Nature Mater., PNAS, JACS, Angew Chem, Adv Mater, Nano Lett, ACS Nano, etc.) which have been cited more than 5500 times and eight world patents in optical sensing devices. His h-Index is 46 and m-index is 3.83.

After completing his PhD in 2003 in surface science at the Universidad Pública de Navarra (with honors “summa cum laude”), he engaged a cross appointment post-doctoral position at the University of Windsor (Windsor, ON, Canada) and General Motors Corporation (Warren, Mi, USA) (2004-2005) in nanofabrication and surface-enhanced spectroscopies (SERS, SEFS and SEIRA) with Prof. Ricardo Aroca (UWINDSOR) and Prof. Gholam Abbas Nazri (GMC). In 2006, he was appointed as research officer and principal investigator at the National Institute for Nanotechnology belonging to the National Research Council of Canada (NINT-NRC, Edmonton, AB, Canada). In 2008 he returned to Spain with as an associate professor to the Universidad de Vigo. Currently he is ICREA Professor at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, principal investigator at Center for Chemical Technology of Catalonia, both in Tarragona Spain, and Scientific Director of Medcom Advance SA, in Barcelona.

He has been involved in 32 national and international projects, including FP7, H2020, NIH (USA), GHI (Canada) and NSERC (Canada), leading 23 of them as a PI.



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