学术报告:Ultraviolet Imaging of Protein and Drug Diffusion and Nanoflow Separation(Prof. David Goodall)

发布日期:2015-10-08     浏览次数:次   
报告题目:Ultraviolet Imaging of Protein and Drug Diffusion and Nanoflow Separation
报 告 人:Prof. David Goodall
          University of York and Paraytec Ltd, UK
时    间:2015年9月28日(星期一)下午3:00
地    点:卢嘉锡楼202报告厅



  Professor Goodall is CSO and founder of Paraytec Limited, a scientific instrument company based in York, UK, which specializes in ultraviolet imaging detection. Paraytec has products licensed to Malvern Instruments and to Sirius Analytical, and the main customer focus is in preformulations R&D for biopharmaceuticals and pharmaceuticals. David is also Emeritus Professor of Chemistry at the University of York, where his specialty was analytical science and instrumentation.  He is the author of over 150 papers and has received awards from the Chromatographic Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry.

  Ultraviolet imaging in 2 dimensions provides new insights not available with standard UV detectors that average over an area. In this lecture I will illustrate the features of Paraytec’s ActiPix instrumentation and how UV imaging with high spatial resolution, speed and sensitivity has unique applications. In separations science, both on-column and post-column detection in nanoLC can be performed simultaneously, and multiplexed separations tracked on a single imager. In physical pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics, the size and aggregation behaviour of proteins and small molecule drugs in formulations are characterized without the need for any filtration or dilution. For drug dissolution, UV imaging of the solid-liquid interface allows physical changes (e.g. swelling) and chemical changes to be visualized simultaneously. Drug diffusion and permeation across membranes are other processes studied using UV imaging.

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