学术讲座:Synthesis of Isocyanide Derived Natural Products with Antibiotic Activity(RICHARD BLACKBURN)

发布日期:2015-10-08     浏览次数:次   

报告题目:Synthesis of Isocyanide Derived Natural Products with Antibiotic Activity








Richard Blackburn






University of Bath,Ph. D. in Organic Chemistry                                     2011 – Present (Expected completion: 2015)

Title:“Synthesis of isocyanide derived natural products with antibiotic activity”

Supervisors: Dr. Steven Bull andDr. Nicholas Waterfield


University of Bath, MChem Chemistry with Industrial Training                                                   2007-2011

4 year sandwich course with 12 month industrial placement at BioFocusFirst class honours

Final year project title: “Asymmetric synthesis of a β-lactam using a rhodium catalysed conjugate addition”supervised by Dr. Steven Bull and Prof. Christopher Frost


The Sixth Form College Solihull, Solihull                                                                            2005-2007

A-level grades achieved: Chemistry A, PhysicsA, Graphics with Resistant Materials A, Geography A


Tudor Grange School, Solihull                                                                                         2000-2005

GCSE grades achieved: 6A* 5A




Teaching Fellow in Synthetic Chemistry (0.5 FTE), University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY         Nov 2014-May 2015

·         Hired to assist the Departments of Chemistry & Natural Sciences with the increased undergraduate intake.

·         Responsible for design, preparation & assessment of practical courses/projects for Organic and Inorganic.

·         Lecturer for organic section.


Visiting Scholar, University of Monash, Clayton, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia                 Sept 2013-Dec 2013

·         Visited the group of Professor Andrews to investigate the human toxicity and anti-leishmania activity of my isocyanide natural products.


Nuffield Foundation Bursary Student, Kohn Group,University of Bath, UK                  Jul 2010-Aug 2010

·         The work involved the synthesis of metal clusters and organic ligands to explore the coordination properties of triazocyclohexanes, and their potential applications in solar cells. This generated some exciting results, and is currently being developed further within Dr Kohn’s research group.

·         This project proved valuable in enhancing my synthetic, analytical and presentation skills.


Scientific Assistant (Sandwich Student) ,BioFocus, Chesterford Research Park,UK    Jun 2009-Jul 2010

·         My main role was the synthesis of biologically active compounds/drug targets as assigned by my project leader, whilst other responsibilities included compound management, and presenting results to the rest of the group.




Organic Subject Tutor                                                                                       2013-Present

·         Holding Organic Tutorials for 1st and 2nd year Chemistry and Natural Science undergraduates at the University of Bath. These typically involve meeting with a small group of students and working through a pre-assigned problem sheet aimed at validating their understanding of the material covered in lectures, and troubleshooting any problems they may have.




Study Support Specialist - Lab Support                                                                       2013-Present

·         Providing guidance and technical support to students suffering from physical or mental disability so that they are able to complete their undergraduate lab practicalalongside their peers. This requires a great deal of concentration, organisation and sensitivity.


Demonstrator in the Undergraduate Chemistry Laboratories                                    2011-Present

·         Supervising first and second year students in undergraduate teaching laboratories, ensuring lab safety, plus providing students with feedback on their lab reports and teaching them the theory behind the experiments.

·         I have acted as “Lead Demonstrator” for the advance lab course,preparing all of the lab resources, holding student viva’s and co-ordinating both the Chemistry and Natural Science variants of the unit.


Millennium Lectures Committee Member                                                               2011-2013

·         The Millennium lectures are a series of scientific talks taking place in the autumn and spring terms each year at the University of Bath. The lectures aim to promote all aspects of science and bridge the gap between academia, schools and the general public. Responsibilities included; liaising with and inviting speakers to give lectures in the upcoming series, sourcing funding, coordinating and organising the timetable for the event and advertising the lectures to staff and students at the University, the local community and schools.




Santander Travel Bursary to assist with expenses on a visit to Universities in China and Thailand, June 2015

RSC Bursary for UK PhD Students to attend 5thEuCheMS Chemistry Congress, Istanbul, September 2014

RSC International travel grant to attend ISACS14, Shanghai, August 2014

ARC Research Grant to visit Monash University, Melbourne, September 2013

RSC Chemical Science Poster Prize, COST Conference, 2012

Recipient of cross-departmental URS Ph.D. Scholarship, 2011




·         “Solid-phase asymmetric synthesis using a polymer-supported chiral Evans'-type oxazolidin-2-one”

Nature Protocols, 8, 1890–1906 (2013)                 doi:10.1038/nprot.2013.025




·         Experienced user of Microsoft Office programs

·         Extensive experience using Endnote, ChemDraw, ISIS Draw, Sci-Finder, Web of Science

·         Bull Group Website design and maintenance using Serif Web Plus X4  (http://people.bath.ac.uk/rb326/)




Outside of work I can typically be found hiking, playing badminton, socialising with my friends or tending to my Asian biotope tropical aquarium. Prior to University I was a keen match angler and also completed my Duke of Edinburgh’s gold award.


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