Multi-scale Quantum Mechanics/Electromagnetics Method for Device Simulations

发布日期:2015-10-16     浏览次数:次   

报告题目:Multi-scale Quantum Mechanics/Electromagnetics Method for Device Simulations
报 告 人:ChiYung Yam (任志勇 特聘研究员) 
时    间:10月17日(周四) 下午16:00
地    点:卢嘉锡楼报告厅(202)

欢迎感兴趣的老师与同学参加,谢谢 !


The continuous downsizing of modern electronic devices implies the increasing importance of
quantum phenomena. As the feature sizes of transistors inch towards 10 nanometer, simulations
including quantum effects and atomistic details are inevitable. A novel hybrid quantum mechanics
and electromagnetics (QM/EM) method is developed to model individual electronic components at
the nanoscale. QM and EM models are solved in different regions of the system in a self-consistent
manner. The method is expected to bridge the gap between quantum mechanics calculation and
circuit modeling. Based on the simulation results, a compact model is generated for subsequent
circuit simulation. Applications of the method to junctionless field-effect transistors and
photovoltaic device will be presented.
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