报告题目:Kinetic Theory for Sintering of Supported Metal Particles from First-Principles
报告人: 李微雪 研究员
时间: 7月26日(周五) 上午10:30
地点: 化学楼二楼会议室(234)
Kinetic Theory for Sintering of
Supported Metal Particles from First-Principles
Wei-Xue Li
State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian 116023, China
E-mail: wxli@dicp.ac.cn
Transition metal particles dispersed on supports have been used to catalyze a wide range of chemical reactions in heterogeneous catalysis for its high activity and selectivity. However, the larger number of low coordination sites exposed with reduction of the particle size destabilizes greatly the dispersed metal particles. As a result the metal particles tend to sinter, either by coalescence of smaller particles or by Ostwald ripening for the growth of a larger particle at the expense of a smaller one. This would lower gradually and deactivate the overall activity of the metal NPs due to the loss of the surface area. For a long-term industrial implementation, it is pivotal to suppress the rate of sintering in particular under reaction conditions, and this represents a major challenge in the field. In this talk, I will discuss the influence of the particle size and distribution, metal-support interaction, metal-reactant interaction as well as the reaction conditions on the kinetics of the sintering rate. An atomistic kinetic theory based on first-principles taking into account of all these factors will be presented. The theory will allow for the rapid exploration of the sintering kinetics of the supported metal particles in huge phase space of structures and compositions under various reaction environments. General rules of suppressing the sintering of the supported metal particles will be proposed at the end.
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