【名师讲座】从金属蛋白质组学到药物设计: 克服抗生素抗药性的新方法

发布日期:2019-05-24     浏览次数:次   

题目:从金属蛋白质组学到药物设计: 克服抗生素抗药性的新方法



孙红哲 教授


时间:2019年5月24日 14:30




其研究方向广泛涉及无机化学和生物医药的前沿领域。最近,他致力于金属的化学生物学、金属生物学和抗生素抗药性研究。在各种化学及生物化学杂志上发表了约180篇学术论文(ACIE, Acc Chem Res, JACS, JBC, Nat Commun, PNAS)。编著出版了“Biological chemistry of arsenic, antimony and bismuth”一书(John-Wiley, 2011)。他还担当金属生物学(Metallobiology)丛书编辑及若干学术杂志(顾问)编辑委员会成员。自2006年他担任亚洲生物无机化学理事会负责人。孙教授获2010-2011年度香港裘槎基金会“高级成就奖”,2016年“药明康得生命化学奖”以及2018年度加州大学-伯克利Muetterties讲座。


   It is crucial to identify metal-protein interactions at a proteome-wide scale which are difficult due to certain weak and transient interactions. We developed an integrated approach to identify metal-associated proteins using bismuth and silver as an example. We have identified metal-associated proteins as well as to quantify the metals for rapid metallome/proteome-wide profiling of metal-binding proteins. We also show that an integrative metallomic approach together with metabolomics represents a powerful tool to uncover metallo-proteome in microbes as well as pharmacology of metallodrugs. Metallodrugs may readily restore antibiotics activity, representing a simple way to combat against antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

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