讲座题目:Supramolecular Assemblies and Functional Liquid Crystals Towards New Generation of Materials
Recently new generation of supramolecular assemblies and nanotructured liquid crystals with unconventional design of molecular and assembled structures has attracted attention because they can be applied as functional materials in the field of energy, information, environment, healthcare, and new devices. Here we present our approaches to new direction of supramolecular materials and liquid crystal polymers for new generation of functional materials. We have developed a variety of nanostructured LC materials exhibiting ionic, electronic, photonic, separation, and stimuli responsive properties. For example, we have prepared functional LC nanostructured materials forming smectic, columnar, bicontinuous cubic structures. They are also applied as electrolytes for lithium batteries and solar cells. Mechanochromic sensors can be built by LC luminescent materials that change the colors by mechano-stimuli responsive phase transitions. Polymerized nanostructured liquid crystals act as water treatment membranes and they remove ions and harmful agents such as viruses. As new LC materials, hydroxyapatite and calcium carbonate/polymer nanorods have been obtained. They form LC colloidal solution responsive to magnetic fields. These hybrids are expected to be environmentally friendly biodegradable functional materials. These molecular-based anisotropic soft materials have great potential as highly functional materials to be useful as new generation of functional materials.
讲座嘉宾:Takashi KATO(加藤 隆史)
Takashi KATO(加藤 隆史)教授,本科(1983年)、博士(1988年)毕业于日本东京大学,1988-1989年在美国康奈尔大学从事博士后研究,1989年至今在日本东京大学任教,2000年至今为东京大学教授,2012年至今任日本Research Supervisor of PRESTO research “Molecular Technology” of Japan Science and Technology Agency(日本科学技术振兴机构战略创造研究推进事业“分子技术”研究小组组长)。KATO教授曾任东京大学工学部化学与生物技术系系主任及日本液晶学会会长、日本高分子学会会长等多个学术职位,2014年当选为英国皇家化学会会士。
Takashi KATO(加藤 隆史)教授的研究领域是自组装材料的设计、合成和功能化,包括超分子软物质材料(如液晶、刺激或环境相应自组装材料等)、液晶物理凝胶、功能高分子和生物矿化有机/无机杂化材料等。他是Polymer Journal、Advanced Materials、Journal of Materials Chemistry、Small和Chemical Science等国际知名学术期刊的主编或编委。他曾获得日本化学会青年化学家奖、日本纤维科学技术学会樱花纪念奖、威利(Wiley)高分子科学奖、第17届IBM日本科学奖(化学)、第1届JSPS(日本学术振兴会)奖、日本液晶学会奖及日本化工学会奖等重要奖项。他目前已发表论文或专著430余篇,在Science、Nature上发表论文3篇,在Nature Chem.、Nature Rev. Mater.、Nature Commun.、Chem. Soc. Rev.等国际顶尖学术期刊上发表论文70余篇。
时间:2018年10月29日(周一) 上午10:00