The Properties of Stable Radicals

发布日期:2020-01-09     浏览次数:次   

讲座题目The Properties of Stable Radicals

讲座人:郑永豪 教授,电子科技大学

讲座时间:2020 年 1月14日(周二) 上午 10:00



  郑永豪教授于2004年10月到2011年01月攻读英国杜伦大学化学专业,并获得博士学位(本硕博连读)。随后5年以博士后身份分别在美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校和美国莱斯大学开展研究工作。主要从事有机共轭材料的设计与合成,通过新材料的新特性,从而研制新型的光电器件。在基于有机发光材料、稳定自由基、高分子单晶及石墨烯纳米材料的研究领域内,研制出一系列新型材料及揭示了相关的发光、电子传输、红外探测等新特性。在Science, Advanced Materials, Angewandte Chemie, Journal of the American Chemical Society等一系列国际权威期刊发表论文20余篇。博士后合作导师为美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校Fred Wudl教授和美国莱斯大学的James Tour教授。



  One of the challenges in polymer science has been to prepare large-polymer single crystals. We demonstrate a visible light–triggered quantitative topochemical polymerization reaction based on a conjugated dye molecule. Macroscopic-size, high-quality polymer single crystals are obtained. Polymerization is not limited to single crystals, but can also be achieved in highly concentrated solution or semicrystalline thin films. In addition, we show that the polymer decomposes to monomer upon thermolysis, which indicates that the polymerization-depolymerization process is reversible. The physical properties of the polymer crystals enable us to isolate single-polymer strands via mechanical exfoliation, which makes it possible to study individual, long polymer chains.

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